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Teile diesen Event
Art: Kurs
Dauer: Einen Nachmittag
Datum: 20.01.2025
Ort: on-line

Eintritt: kostenpflichtig

Measurement of the Behavioural Properties of Powders


Overview: Held over 2 morning sessions, this course is designed to give delegates an overview of various methods for determining the bulk behaviour of powder and granular particulates.

Subjects covered include a selection of:

  • Particle size measurement techniques
  • Particle Density (solid and bulk)
  • Flow property measurements
  • Moisture uptake
  • Degradation/friability of bulk through handling systems
  • Pneumatic conveying properties
  • Dustiness testing

Course fee: £500 per person

Auf DeutschDer Kurs wird online auf Englisch abgehalten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, diesen Kurs auf Deutsch zu erhalten, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf, um dies zu vereinbaren.

Zugeordnete Events

Kurs Overview of Particulate Handling Technology
Overview: This is an intensive course designed to introduce the technology of storing and handling bulk materials. It also covers the problems that can result from incorrect equipment selection, and looks at appropriate design methodologies for safe and reliable plant. Subjects covered: * Sampling * Characterisation of Bulk Solids * Storage Equipment * Discharge Aids * Product Feeders * Segregation of Bulk Materials * Degradation of Bulk Materials * Pneumatic Conveying * Caking of Bulk Materials * Dust Control Course fee:£915 on campus Delegates are also offered the chance to participate in the optional practical workshop where equipment and processes discussed during the course will be demonstrated.
08.10.2025 | Kurs | 3 Tage | Chatham, Kent, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig
Kurs Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Solids
Overview: Facilities storing bulk solid materials sometimes experience operational problems – often because they have been designed without knowledge of the flow characteristics of the material to be stored. This course advises on preventing such problems. Subjects covered: * An introduction to the storage and flow of bulk solid materials in hoppers, bins and bunkers * Determining the flow properties of bulk solids * Determination of hopper geometry * Predicting discharge rates * Feeders and feeding * Hopper discharge aids * Prediction of wall loadings and their effect on structural design * Discussion/troubleshooting period Course fee: from £915 on campus Delegates are also offered the chance to participate in the optional practical workshop where equipment and processes discussed during the course will be demonstrated.
12.03.2025 | Kurs | 3 Tage | Chatham, Kent, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig
Kurs Powder and Particulate Materials Workshops
A series of practical workshops in the onsite pilot plant at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology in Chatham, Kent, UK using different techniques to establish the behaviour of bulk solid materials. * Understanding Powder Flow (in conjunction with Ametek) * Characterisation Techniques * Dust Containment Methods and Filtration * Segregation Methods Attend as many as you prefer. Each is a stand-alone session. Delegates will be able to use equipment relevant to specific topic areas of interest. There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions from the experts. The aim of the Workshop Week sessions is to give delegates an insight into how and why the various techniques are used, and how these can enhance bulk materials handling services offered to Industry.
25.02.2025 | Kurs | 4 Tage | Chatham, Kent, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig


Zugeordnete Beiträge

Online Powder Handling courses now open for registration  Four short courses looking at different characterisation and handling methods for reliable flow of bulk solids
Online Powder Handling courses now open for registration
Four short courses looking at different characterisation and handling methods for reliable flow of bulk solids Happy New Year! We begin 2025 with a series of online courses related to powder handling and flow. Following these is a week of workshops for attendees to come to the Wolfson Centre and use some of our powder handling equipment and learn about the different techniques available. Dr Vivek Garg, recently awarded the prestigious MHEA Innovation Award 2024 at BULKEX for his work with the Mechanical Surface Effect Tester, will be leading these courses and will be available to answer your queries. 20 and 21 January; 14:00 – 17:00 hrs Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials; An overview of methods for determining bulk behaviour of particulate materials such as particle size measurement and density, moisture uptake, explosibility, dustiness testing and the new Mechanical Surface Effect Tester. 27 and 28 January; 14:00 – 17:00 hrs Caking and Lump Formation in Powders; An exploration of issues relating to keeping
02.01.2025  |  7444x  |  Produktnews  | 
Bulk Materials Handling Short Courses for Industry 2025 Calendar is out now
Bulk Materials Handling Short Courses for Industry
2025 Calendar is out now Experts at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, at the University of Greenwich in UK are ready to train delegates from the Bulk Bulk Materials Handling Industries. Courses are scheduled through the year, either online or on campus. Registration is now open. This year we have some exciting new courses on offer, and we have also arranged a week of practical workshops to allow delegates the chance to use some of the new as well as the tried-and-tested pieces of equipment under the supervision of our experts. Online training We start with a series of online courses, examining the different issues encountered when storing and handling powders and particulate materials. Each course looks at methods to avoid or resolve problems encountered in different situations allowing delegates to gain the knowledge to help troubleshoot issues themselves. In January * Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials - An overview of
11.12.2024  |  1989x  |  Produktnews  |   | 
Powder Flow Technology video A review of equipment and outputs used to assess the flowability of powder and granular materials which can also be used for vessel design.
Powder Flow Technology video
A review of equipment and outputs used to assess the flowability of powder and granular materials which can also be used for vessel design. Prof Mike Bradley, Director of the Wolfson Centre, explains the importance of Powder Flow Technology in this short video. Please contact us for advice through consultancy or training in this area of application. A chat in the first instance will cost nothing but your time.
28.11.2022  |  2512x  |  Produktbeschreibung  |   | 
Kurzkurse für die Charakterisierung von Pulvern und Schüttgütern Verstehen Sie, wie wichtig es ist, die von Ihnen verwendeten Pulver und Schüttgüter zu kennen und zu wissen, warum sie sich so verhalten, wie sie es tun. Und nutzen Sie dies, um Probleme bei der Handhabung zu lösen oder zu vermeiden.
Kurzkurse für die Charakterisierung von Pulvern und Schüttgütern
Verstehen Sie, wie wichtig es ist, die von Ihnen verwendeten Pulver und Schüttgüter zu kennen und zu wissen, warum sie sich so verhalten, wie sie es tun. Und nutzen Sie dies, um Probleme bei der Handhabung zu lösen oder zu vermeiden. Pulver und Partikel, die in der verarbeitenden Industrie verwendet werden, können oft zu erheblichen Produktionsstörungen führen, sei es durch Ablagerungen in Trichtern, Entmischung, ungleiche Gewichte beim Verpacken oder Dosieren, Zersetzung, Staubablagerungen......die Probleme sind vielfältig. Die Experten des Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology haben eine Reihe von Schulungskursen zusammengestellt, die den Teilnehmern dabei helfen sollen, potenzielle Probleme zu erkennen, bevor sie zu großen Kopfschmerzen führen, und sie darüber beraten, wie sie die Probleme, die andernfalls auftreten könnten, lösen oder vermeiden können. Zu den Kursen, die sich eingehend mit verschiedenen Charakterisierungsmethoden befassen, gehören: * The Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials; Jan 2023 * Undesired Deblending and Separation in Processes and Equipment; Feb 2023 * Caking and Lump Formation in Powders and Bulk Materials;
28.11.2022  |  3235x  |  Produktnews  |   | 
Short course: Understanding Bulk Behaviour Insight into characterisation of powders and a overview of methods for determining bulk behaviour of particulate materials.
Short course: Understanding Bulk Behaviour
Insight into characterisation of powders and a overview of methods for determining bulk behaviour of particulate materials. 25 - 26 January; 14:00 - 17:00 hrs UK time; online learning. This short online course provides an overview of methods for determining bulk behaviour of particulate materials. The range of measurement techniques covered by the presenters will introduce relevance to real-world industrial scenarios and describe how the particular technique works and where it would be most useful. You will learn about a chosen selection of the following topics: Topics * Particle size measurement techniques * Particle Density (solid and bulk) * Flow property measurements * Moisture uptake * Propensity for Segregation/de-blending * Degradation/friability of bulk through handling systems * Caking/agglomeration of bulk materials in storage * Explosability * Pneumatic conveying properties * Dustiness testing New for 2022 - we are offering delegates the opportunity to take part in a practical workshop to see demonstrations of equipment discussed during the course. This takes
07.01.2022  |  3384x  |  Produktnews  | 
Online-Schulungen für die Schüttgutindustrie Lernen Sie, wie Sie problematische Handhabungsfragen lösen und/oder vermeiden können
Online-Schulungen für die Schüttgutindustrie
Lernen Sie, wie Sie problematische Handhabungsfragen lösen und/oder vermeiden können Melden Sie sich bei den Experten des Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology für die Online-Kurse an, um die verschiedenen Probleme bei der Handhabung von Schüttgütern zu diskutieren. Im Januar beginnen wir mit einem Blick auf die verschiedenen Methoden zur Messung der Eigenschaften von Pulvern; die verschiedenen verfügbaren Techniken werden beschrieben und es werden Situationen genannt, in denen sie am nützlichsten sind. Zu den Techniken gehören u. a. die Messung der Partikelgröße, der Partikeldichte (fest und lose) und der Fließeigenschaften. Im Februar folgen dann Kurse, die sich auf spezifische Aspekte der Fließfähigkeit und des Austrags konzentrieren, die im obigen Kurs kurz behandelt wurden, nämlich Anbackungen und Klumpenbildung in Pulvern und Prozessen und dann die Entmischung von Pulvern und Partikeln. Jeder dieser Kurse bietet zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, Mitte Februar an einer praktischen Vorführung in den Labors des Wolfson
30.11.2021  |  4260x  |  Produktnews  | 
Schuettgut-Portal BulkSolids-Portal Recycling-Portal
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