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08.10.2025 - 10.10.2025
Teile diesen Event
Art: Kurs
Dauer: 3 Tage
Beginn: 08.10.2025
Ende: 10.10.2025
Ort: Chatham, Kent, UK

Eintritt: kostenpflichtig

Overview of Particulate Handling Technology


Overview: This is an intensive course designed to introduce the technology of storing and handling bulk materials. It also covers the problems that can result from incorrect equipment selection, and looks at appropriate design methodologies for safe and reliable plant.

Subjects covered:

  • Sampling
  • Characterisation of Bulk Solids
  • Storage Equipment
  • Discharge Aids
  • Product Feeders
  • Segregation of Bulk Materials
  • Degradation of Bulk Materials
  • Pneumatic Conveying
  • Caking of Bulk Materials
  • Dust Control

Course fee:£915 on campus

Delegates are also offered the chance to participate in the optional practical workshop where equipment and processes discussed during the course will be demonstrated.

Zugeordnete Events

Kurze Kurs Pneumatic Conveying System Design
Advanced Course: Pneumatic Conveying System Design An in-depth exploration of detailed calculations and design for pneumatic pipelines. This course is aimed at practitioners already familiar with the basics of pneumatic conveying. Course fees are £915 This is also available as an In-Company course. This course is delivered in English.
03.06.2025 | Kurze Kurs | 2 Tage | Chatham Maritime, Kent, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig
Kurs Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Solids
Overview: Facilities storing bulk solid materials sometimes experience operational problems – often because they have been designed without knowledge of the flow characteristics of the material to be stored. This course advises on preventing such problems. Subjects covered: * An introduction to the storage and flow of bulk solid materials in hoppers, bins and bunkers * Determining the flow properties of bulk solids * Determination of hopper geometry * Predicting discharge rates * Feeders and feeding * Hopper discharge aids * Prediction of wall loadings and their effect on structural design * Discussion/troubleshooting period Course fee: from £915 on campus Delegates are also offered the chance to participate in the optional practical workshop where equipment and processes discussed during the course will be demonstrated.
12.03.2025 | Kurs | 3 Tage | Chatham, Kent, UK | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig
Kurs Measurement of the Behavioural Properties of Powders
Overview: Held over 2 morning sessions, this course is designed to give delegates an overview of various methods for determining the bulk behaviour of powder and granular particulates. Subjects covered include a selection of: * Particle size measurement techniques * Particle Density (solid and bulk) * Flow property measurements * Moisture uptake * Degradation/friability of bulk through handling systems * Pneumatic conveying properties * Dustiness testing Course fee: £500 per person [**NOTE**Auf Deutsch**Der Kurs wird online auf Englisch abgehalten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, diesen Kurs auf Deutsch zu erhalten, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf, um dies zu vereinbaren.**]
20.01.2025 | Kurs | Einen Nachmittag | on-line | Eintritt: kostenpflichtig


Zugeordnete Beiträge

Schuettgut-Portal BulkSolids-Portal Recycling-Portal
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